John Norman Collins

John Norman Collins Net Worth

John Norman Collins was born on June 17, 1947 in Canada, is a Criminal. Discover John Norman Collins net worth, Biography, Age, Height, Family and career updates.
John Norman Collins is a member of Criminal

Age, Biography and Wiki

Birth Day June 17, 1947
Birth Place Canada
Birth Sign Gemini

💰 Net worth

John Norman Collins, famously known as the Criminal in Canada, has an estimated net worth ranging from $100K to $1M in 2024. Collins gained notoriety for his heinous crimes committed in the 1960s, which included multiple murders and sexual assaults. Despite his criminal background, Collins has managed to accumulate a moderate amount of wealth through various means, although the exact sources remain undisclosed. His dark past has forever engraved his name in the annals of crime history in Canada.

Convicted of one The Michigan Murders, a series of killings that terrorized southeastern Michigan for two years, but is believed to have committed all.

He was an honor student and enrolled at Eastern Michigan University where he joined the Theta Chi fraternity.

The killings were all female college students who were brutally beaten and strangled and/or stabbed.

He was not married at the time of his conviction.

He shares the nickname The Co-Ed Killer with murderer Edmund Kemper.

About the author

Lisa Scholfield

As a Senior Writer at Famous Net Worth, I spearhead an exceptional team dedicated to uncovering and sharing the stories of pioneering individuals. My passion for unearthing untold narratives drives me to delve deep into the essence of each subject, bringing forth a unique blend of factual accuracy and narrative allure. In orchestrating the editorial workflow, I am deeply involved in every step—from initial research to the final touches of publishing, ensuring each biography not only informs but also engages and inspires our readership.