Richard Chase

Richard Chase Net Worth

Richard Chase, born in 1950, is a notorious criminal known as The Vampire of Sacramento. He gained notoriety for drinking his victims' blood and cannibalizing them. His net worth is estimated to be $23 million.
Richard Chase is a member of Criminal

Age, Biography and Wiki

Birth Day May 23, 1950
Birth Place California
Birth Sign Gemini

💰 Net worth: $23 Million (2024)


Known as The Vampire of Sacramento for drinking his victims' blood and cannibalizing them.

Before Fame

He was a hypochondriac and paranoid schizophrenic.


He killed 6 people in one month.

Family Life

He was abused by his mother as a child.

Associated With

His story was portrayed in the 1987 film "Rampage" starring Michael Biehn.

About the author

Lisa Scholfield

As a Senior Writer at Famous Net Worth, I spearhead an exceptional team dedicated to uncovering and sharing the stories of pioneering individuals. My passion for unearthing untold narratives drives me to delve deep into the essence of each subject, bringing forth a unique blend of factual accuracy and narrative allure. In orchestrating the editorial workflow, I am deeply involved in every step—from initial research to the final touches of publishing, ensuring each biography not only informs but also engages and inspires our readership.